How Do Teeth Veneers Work?


We’re all after a beautiful, bright white smile, and lucky for all of us, there are many options available for helping us to achieve just that.

One of those options is getting dental veneers, a semi-permanent cosmetic procedure that can instantly restore the look and feel of your teeth.

Enjoy a more luminous, beautiful smile with dental veneers by Peak Dental!

What are dental veneers?

Veneers are thin, tooth-coloured porcelain or resin shells that are permanently bonded to the front surface of your teeth. They can help fix the look and feel of a broken or chipped tooth, or give you a whole new smile that’s instantly brighter and more symmetrical.

Veneers are a restorative treatment, and they’re unique from dental crowns and implants. Where implants replace the entire tooth and crowns encase the whole tooth, veneers cover only the front surface of the tooth - the part of your teeth visible when you smile.

Who should get veneers?

Anyone can get veneers who is looking for whiter, more even-looking teeth, however, people who typically get veneers are those with:

  • Thin enamel or exposed dentine

  • Broken or chipped teeth

  • Crooked, pointed or unusually-shaped teeth

  • Discoloured teeth that won’t respond to other teeth whitening methods

  • Gaps in their teeth

  • Smaller than average teeth

Depending on the type of veneers you chose, they can last ten years or more.

Types of dental veneers

There are two main types of veneers: traditional and no-prep.

  1. Traditional Dental Veneers: An invasive procedure where the tooth structure is ground down allowing for the most secure placement. Traditional veneers offer a more permanent solution and will last the longest — between 10 and 15 years.

  2. No-Prep Veneers: A less-invasive procedure where only the enamel is affected. This procedure requires minimal alteration, including no need for a local anaesthetic. They usually last from five to seven years.

How are veneers attached?

After you and your dentist decide which veneers are right for you, including how many veneers you want, the traditional procedure is completed in two separate appointments:

Appointment 1: Your dentist will remove a small amount of enamel, then take an impression of your teeth. This mold is then sent away to a dental lab where your unique veneers will be created (which typically takes one to two weeks).

Appointment 2: Your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned to ensure no bacteria will get trapped beneath your new veneers. Using a grinding tool, your dentist will create a rougher texture, making it easier for the veneer to stick. Dental cement will be applied to bind the veneer to the tooth, and lastly, your dentist will use an ultraviolet light to quickly harden this binding agent.

Are veneers right for you?

Veneers are a big decision, and one that should not be taken lightly. If you’re curious about veneers and are wondering if they’re a good option for you, contact Peak Dental today for a consultation!

It’s our mission to give you the happiest, healthiest smiles we can, one service at a time.

Conner Hendry