

Cavities don’t seem like a big deal at first, just a slight twinge of pain or discomfort now and then. But, unaddressed, the decay will keep eating away, deeper and deeper inside your tooth until a more invasive dental procedure is required – such as a root canal. Fillings are a quick, easy and affordable solution to fixing the damage a cavity can cause – before it can get any worse.

So if you think you may have a cavity, call us at 403-381-1155 for an appointment or visit our Lethbridge dental clinic. We offer competitive rates and our team of experienced Lethbridge dentists will take care of everything for you.

Filling procedure

  1. Tooth Prep – Before we begin, we’ll give you freezing in and around the affected tooth to help you stay as comfortable as possible.

  2. Drilling, Cleaning and Sealing – After the freezing has had the chance to set, we’ll drill into the tooth, clean out the decay and then seal it back up with a special heat-reactant hardening compound.

  3. Tooth Shaping – Once the cavity is cleaned and the tooth sealed back up, we will grind the tooth back into the proper shape for your mouth and ensure your bite is correct.

Book Your Appointment For Fillings