How to Tell if Your Child Needs Braces

Children grow and change so fast, it can be hard to keep track. One minute your baby’s in your arms with a pink, gummy smile, the next their looking under their pillow for the loonie from the tooth fairy.

While it can be easy to miss the signs that your child needs braces with all that change, it’s important to address crooked or mismatching teeth early. To help you identify problems with misaligned teeth early, we’re going to give you the most common signs your child’s teeth need help.

Signs your child needs braces

The first step to figuring out whether your child needs braces is simply telling them to say ‘ahh’ and taking a look at how their teeth line up. If there is obvious misalignment, then call an orthodontist to schedule an appointment.

But, just because your child’s teeth look straight doesn’t always mean they are. Other symptoms of misaligned teeth include:

  • Mouth breathing

  • Clicking jaw

  • Losing baby teeth early or late

  • Repeated accidental biting of the tongue, the roof of the mouth, or inside of the cheek

  • Thumb-sucking past the age of two

  • Misaligned teeth (teeth that don’t fit together, even when the mouth is closed)

Should my child get braces with baby teeth?

It may seem self-evident that children with their baby teeth don’t need braces, but that’s not the case. In fact, braces can help even if your child’s adult teeth haven’t grown in.

The problem with misaligned baby teeth is that they can cause damage to the rest of the mouth. This can lead to a larger problem down the road, which may require more intensive prevention later on.

But, by taking on the problem early, you can help keep your child’s teeth and mouth damage-free and prepared for straight, aligned adult teeth.

When it’s time to see a dentist

Many differ on when is the right time to see a dentist, but a good rule of thumb is to schedule a visit when those first few teeth start to come in. So your child’s first dental visit could be as early as their first birthday.

For orthodontists, most recommend parents bring children in no later than seven-years-old. During this appointment, your orthodontist will check your child’s teeth so that any potential problems can be dealt with early.

The benefit of braces go beyond a perfect smile

Ensuring your child’s teeth are straight has benefits beyond that beautiful smile. By taking preventative measures with any misalignment or mouth issues, you can help your child:

  • Mitigate speech impairment

  • Clean their teeth more effectively

  • Improve their ability to chew

  • Reduce any grinding or chipping of their teeth

By staying on top of any problems with your child’s teeth, you can help alleviate problems early.

Conner Hendry