When to Replace Your Dental Night Guard

Peak Dental - When to Replace Your Dental Night Guard

Your night guard acts as a silent protector while you sleep, stopping you from grinding your teeth and even helping to keep your jaw in proper alignment.

However, just like with any product that sees regular wear and tear, your teeth grinding guard will need a replacement eventually. Though that night guard is built to be strong and durable, there are some sure signs that it’s time for a new one.

Why you should regularly replace your night guard

The top reasons you should replace that dental night guard are:

  • It’s no longer protecting your teeth

  • It no longer fits your teeth

  • It could be causing more problems (such as irritation or bacterial inflammation)

How long will my night guard last?

Generally, a night guard will protect your teeth from grinding damage for anywhere between 6 months to 5 years. This duration depends on a few factors like:

  1. Your grinding severity

  2. The type of night guard you have (custom-fit night guards last the longest)

  3. How well you take care of your night guard (tip: cleanse your guard with a mild soap daily — not toothpaste as this can degrade the material)

Signs that your night guard needs replacing

It no longer fits properly

That nightly wear and tear can eventually cause your night guard to fit improperly. Not only does this make it less comfortable, but it may even fall out of your mouth through the night, negating your efforts to protect your teeth.

Cracks and holes appear

Cracks are a sure sign that your dental night guard is on its way out, but holes mean you need a new one immediately. If there’s a hole, those teeth are no longer protected and you’re at risk for pain, discomfort and tooth damage from grinding.

You’re developing mouth sores

A degrading night guard can rub against areas of your mouth, irritating surrounding tissue and even causing sores to develop. This can lead to infection from bacteria that may be hiding inside your night guard, which will need immediate attention.

The night guard is changing colour

Because our mouths are something of a breeding ground for bacteria, that night guard can start to discolour and turn yellow. This is a sign your night guard is starting to degrade and that’s why peak oral hygiene is key - it will keep your mouth cleaner and help preserve your night guard too!

You’re noticing tooth grinding damage

A night guard that’s failing in its job of protecting your teeth from grinding damage negates the purpose of even wearing it. If you’re experiencing the signs and symptoms of teeth grinding, then it’s time to talk to your dentist to get a new one created — custom-fit for your teeth and mouth.

When in doubt, ask your dentist

If you’re still unsure about whether your dental night guard is doing its job in protecting your teeth, reach out to us here at Peak Dental! We can help you determine the next best fit for a new night guard that will preserve and protect your oral health for years to come.

Conner Hendry