Should I Use Mouthwash?


The short answer? YES, you should use mouthwash as a part of your regular oral health routine.

However, there are a few key takeaways worth exploring - such as how mouthwash works to benefit your mouth, which mouthwashes to use, and of course, how to properly use mouthwash.

All this is covered in the information below, so we hope you enjoy this little, ‘swish, swish, yay!’

Mouthwash is an important part of oral care and can help to prevent cavities and other oral health problems. We recommend that all of our patients use mouthwash regularly as part of their oral care routine. At our dental clinic in Lethbridge, we offer a variety of dental services, including mouthwash treatments.

Why should I use mouthwash?

Along with regular brushing and flossing, daily rinsing with mouthwash offers tons of oral health benefits.

Besides the immediate benefits of fresher breath, mouthwash also helps to:

  • Clean away physical food particles stuck between teeth

  • Kill harmful bacteria living between teeth and on your tongue (a big reason why you should brush your tongue)

  • Prevent plaque and gingivitis

  • Eliminate halitosis (bad breath)

  • Strengthen teeth with fluoride and brighten teeth through whitening agents

Keep in mind mouthwash works most effectively when done correctly, that is, in conjunction with brushing and flossing - and it should never replace brushing or flossing.

What to look for in a mouthwash

Different mouthwashes will focus on different benefits, so be sure to read each bottle carefully to understand what exactly each formula is promising.

There are two main types of mouthwashes: therapeutic and cosmetic.

Cosmetic mouthwashes are available over-the-counter and are used to temporarily control halitosis and leave an agreeable, pleasant taste in your mouth.

Therapeutic mouthwashes are available both OTC and by prescription. They provide longer-lasting bacterial fighting power, helping with everything from receding gumlines, dry mouth, gingivitis and plaque buildup.

So, the answer to the best mouthwash lies in what problem you’re looking to address. Are you struggling with a mild case of bad breath? Try a cosmetic mouthwash. Are you looking to gently whiten or strengthen your teeth? Look for whitening agents (such as peroxide) and fluoride in the ingredient list.

However, if you need more from your mouthwash, such as extra bacterial fighting power, or help with clinical oral health problems, it’s a good idea to speak with your dentist to see what the best therapetic mouthwash option there is for you.

How to properly use mouthwash

The basic instructions for using mouthwash are as follows:

  1. Brush your teeth (review proper toothbrushing techniques here)

  2. Floss your teeth

  3. Rinse your mouth with about 3 — 5 teaspoons of mouthwash, swishing and gargling for about 30 seconds (be careful not to ingest any)

  4. Spit out the mouthwash and don’t drink any liquids for about 30 minutes afterward

When should I use mouthwash?

Use mouthwash after brushing and flossing your teeth (up to twice each day) to enjoy fresher breath and so many other oral health benefits!

Remember, mouthwash is not a replacement for brushing or flossing, but another important part of maintaining peak oral health.

If you are looking for a new mouthwash to try, be sure to check out our expert Lethbridge dentist recommendations. Our team can help you find the perfect product for your needs and provide advice on how to use it correctly. Give us a call today at 403-381-1155 or schedule an appointment!

Joel Harding