Dentures, Implants and Flippers – All You Need To Know About False Teeth

From hockey players to your great aunt, false teeth are much more prevalent than you might think. That’s because there are a lot of ways to lose teeth, from sports to simple old age, and exactly zero ways to grow them back. 

In this article, we’ll cover the reasons why people get dentures (it’s more than just aesthetics) and the different types you can get, along with the pros and cons of each.

Do I need false teeth?

Whether we’re talking one false tooth, or a whole mouth-full, dentures offer more than just aesthetics, though having a bright, white smile is a great side-benefit. 

When you lose a tooth or multiple teeth, it leaves a gap in your smile that can cause neighbouring teeth to start migrating. Without the pressure from that unbroken line, our teeth essentially ‘fall into the gap’ causing chaos in your mouth. Furthermore, the jawbone and gums where those missing teeth used to be can also start to degrade, causing another round of problems in your mouth.

To avoid pain, crooked teeth, or degrading gums, there are a variety of dentures that range from unobtrusive and cheap, to more intrusive and expensive – but permanent.

Dental Implants

Implants are both the most intrusive, and the longest-lasting option for false teeth. The process, which includes drilling into the jawbone and screwing in a metal post that a false tooth is attached to, can sound scary. However, this makes the false tooth long-lasting – as permanent as your natural teeth, in fact. It is important to keep in mind that dental implants are susceptible to many of the same degradation that your natural teeth are, and that without proper brushing and maintenance, they can degrade too.


  • Permanent

  • Require little to no special care

  • Act exactly like your natural teeth


  • Expensive

  • Invasive procedure

Dental Bridges

Just like a bridge over troubled water, dental bridges span an empty space. But, with dental bridges, a false tooth is attached to the bridge. Often, this requires the teeth on either side of the bridge to be ground down to accommodate the crown anchoring each side of the bridge. These bridges can span distances of up to 6 or more teeth and don’t all need a tooth on both sides of the gap.


  • Lasts 5-15 years

  • Less invasive than implants

  • Less costly than implants


  • Often requires grinding down of healthy teeth

  • Longevity is based on the health of ground down, compromised teeth


Ask someone about false teeth and the first picture that comes to mind is probably their grandparent’s dentures. Dentures aren’t required as often today because as a culture our overall oral health is increasing. Still, for some people dealing with the loss of most of their teeth, whether due to disease or other reasons, full dentures are still an option. In fact, many dentures are now attached using the same posts that implants use, keeping the denture in place much more effectively.


  • Relatively cheap, especially for a full-replacement solution

  • Simple, non-invasive procedure


  • Any remaining teeth must be pulled to make way for the dentures

  • Requires special care

  • Has certain care requirements that can include dietary restrictions


Flippers are false teeth attached to a removable retainer that sits against your upper palate, or lower jaw (depending on where the missing tooth was). This is often used as a temporary fix to maintain your smile and the position of your teeth until a more permanent solution is put in place.


  • Simple

  • Non-invasive


  • Requires special care

  • Impermanent

  • Can fall out 

Keep your smile straight with false teeth

False teeth are an important part of keeping your smile straight while maintaining your ability to eat foods and talk normally. Armed with the knowledge of the options available, you can make an informed decision about the false teeth that are best for you.peak

For more information, or to book an appointment, contact Peak Dental today!

Conner Hendry