How to Properly Clean Your Retainer


When it comes to the health of your teeth and gums, the fewer the bacteria the better. So it makes sense that you should keep whatever goes into your mouth (food, utensils, toothbrushes, mouth guards, retainers, etc.) as clean as possible.

Removable retainers are a great example. They sit inside your mouth all day, nestled next to your gums and teeth, accumulating bacteria over time. If not properly cleaned and maintained, this can be a recipe for oral health problems like cavities, gingivitis and more.

To help you keep your oral health in peak condition, we’re going to go over how to properly clean your retainer.

Cleaning your removable retainer

Removable retainers are simple to clean — the real challenge will be training yourself into the habit to clean it frequently enough. Ideally, you should be cleaning your retainer at the end of each day to remove any food particles and bacteria from the grooves and ridges of the device.

4 steps to properly clean your retainer

Brushing your teeth is the ideal time to clean your retainer since you’re already at the sink. Follow these steps:

  1. Remove the retainer and place it into a mixture of lukewarm water and mild dish soap.

  2. Using a soft toothbrush (not the same brush you use to brush your teeth), scrub your retainer, making sure to clean out the grooves and ridges to get rid of bacteria, plaque and any food debris.

  3. Remove retainer from the mixture, then place into a cleaning solution such as Polident. Soak the retainer for the recommended time on the package. Brush your teeth while you wait — don’t forget to clean your tongue.

  4. Remove the retainer from the solution, rinse with lukewarm water and place it back inside your mouth.

Tips for maintaining your retainer

Beyond regular cleaning, it’s important to take care of your retainer as best you can to keep it working properly. Here are some tips to maintain your retainer:

  • Avoid extreme heat: This can warp the shape of your retainer, rendering it ineffective for securing your teeth. Never place your retainer in boiling water, the microwave or the dishwasher. Always use lukewarm water on your retainer to keep its integrity intact.

  • Limit harsh chemicals: You don’t always need to use intensive cleaners to keep your retainer sparkling clean and free of bacteria. Frequent use of chemical cleaning solutions can degrade your retainer, and so, use chemical cleaning solutions sparingly, and switch between using a mild soap and brushing. This works nearly as well at eliminating bacteria as a harsh chemical solution.

  • Avoid soaking too long: Always soak your retainer for the recommended time on your chemical cleaning solution packaging as over-soaking can degrade your retainer.

  • Clean your case: Bacteria can grow everywhere and that means your retainer case needs frequent deep cleaning to keep it sanitary and bacteria-free. Aim to clean your retainer case once per week with a mild soap solution.

  • Replace when needed: Just like your toothbrush needs to be replaced every three or so months, make sure you replace your retainer when your dentist recommends you to do so. You can increase the life of your retainer by taking care of it, but remember that everything needs replacing at some point.

Protect your oral health by properly cleaning and caring for your retainer

Your retainer is designed specifically for your mouth, to help create a straight, healthy and happy smile for you! To help your retainer work its best, remember to do your part to clean it regularly and maintain it as well as you can. After all, if you protect your retainer, it will protect you, too.

Do you have questions about your retainer? Contact us now, or, learn more about retainers like Invisalign!

Conner Hendry