10 Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthier


When it comes to our oral health, reminders can go a long way.

Because maintaining the health and beauty of our teeth involves dedicated daily habits, reminders, tips and tricks can really help us out, especially if they can make things a little bit easier, a little more fun, and a lot less work.

That’s the aim of the following information: to give you a few solid reminders on how to keep your oral health at its peak, and hopefully, make your life a little less complicated along the way!

10 tips to follow for healthier, whiter teeth

  1. Brush properly: Always brush your teeth before bed, and aim to brush your teeth at least twice each day. Be careful not to brush too hard, but take your time as you brush in gentle, circular motions to remove food particles and plaque that’s accumulated throughout the day. Also remember to brush your tongue to help avoid bad breath and bacteria build-up.

  2. Floss at least one per day: Another essential pre-bedtime step, flossing helps remove larger particles, plaque and bacteria build-up, and it’s a great way to stimulate blood-flow to your gums. Work the floss gently between each tooth, including the edges of your back set of molars. Avoid snapping the floss in and out of your teeth as this won’t effectively remove particles, and you’re also risking damage to your gums.

  3. Try mouthwash: Not only does mouthwash give you fresher breath and a clean mouth, it can also help to reduce acid in the mouth from eating certain foods and drinks, it can help rinse out hard-to-reach areas that may have been missed by brushing and flossing, and it can ‘re-mineralize’ and strengthen teeth. In other words, mouthwash can help balance your oral health.

  4. Drink more water: Nature’s mouthwash, water is a great way to begin and end each meal. It rinses away acidic foods and drinks, and helps dislodge leftover food particles.

  5. Eat crunchy fruits and veggies: Nature’s toothbrush crunchy foods (preferably low in sugar) help to physically clean your teeth. Crunchy fruits and veggies are also loaded with vitamins, minerals and nutrients, which will help strengthen teeth from the inside — out!

  6. Limit sugary and acidic foods/drinks: Wine, coffee, carbonated beverages, candy — even healthy foods like berries, tomatoes and sauces like soy and curry are all pretty hard on your teeth, so try to limit the amount you’re ingesting. If you do partake, be sure to rinse your mouth with water, brush, or use a mouthwash to help protect your teeth.

  7. Use fluoride: Fluoride is an important part of strengthening and maintaining the integrity of your teeth. So whether it’s in your water, toothpaste, mouthwash — or your bi-annual trip to the dentist, make sure you are getting fluoride into your system.

  8. Visit your dentist twice per year: Routine cleaning and periodontal maintenance is essential to helping clean, protect and maintain your oral health. Not only this, but you’re also addressing other possible oral health issues early, as your dentist will be able to see potential problems early — saving you discomfort and money.

  9. Don’t ‘misuse’ your teeth: It might be tempting to tear open packaging and the like with your teeth, but it’s important to only use your teeth for chewing food — and be careful even then, as popcorn kernels, animal bones, even chips can crack and damage teeth if you’re not taking care.

  10. Don’t smoke: The classic warning: smoking not only puts you at risk for other serious health problems, it’s terrible for your teeth, eroding the structure and turning them an awful shade of yellow, brown — even grey.

Enjoy a healthier smile with Peak Dental

At Peak Dental, it’s our mission to give you all the tools to keep your oral health in peak condition. Through education, and routine dental examinations and more, we are proud to serve the fine people of Lethbridge through quality dental services.

Contact us today for more information. We’d be happy to speak with you!

Joel Harding